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"The Work of Cav. Romeo Di Girolamo PRBA",
by Selina Di Girolamo


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"Local Face", an article taken from Wendover News,
April 1998 edition, by Jane Larkham, Editor

Mr Ireland

Before he became an art student Romeo had developed a fascination with the work of the old masters,  perhaps because he was and is a truly Renaissance man.  With his keen interest in sport and a disarming charm that was capable of bridging the chasm between culture, education and the bigotry of the post -war years, Romeo was ambitious, proud, personable, a formidable athlete and an exceptional artist.

His environment was now the green and pastoral hills of Quainton,  small fields blanketed with hedgerows and tall elms.  Influenced by the painter McKenny, who lived in the village, Romeo began to copy the landscapes from Titian's and Rubens' paintings, and at the age of thirteen he could paint in the style of the great Renaissance artists of the fifteen hundreds.
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